What aromas would heal your soul?

Every aroma transports as to it's own world and emotional state. This test will evaluate your emotional needs and suggest what oils would benefit you the most.

Take the test and find out!


Hi, I am Lina Balse,

An independent Young Living distributor and AromaPsychology teacher

My life starter from a traumatic birth experience and a rare genetic disorder. I have spent my childhood with a thought that I have only a few years to live. Today I say that I am lucky, I am happy to have traveled the path that was given me to become the person I am today. Because God doe not choose the qualified for his missions, he qualifies the chosen. Usually that happens through trials and difficulties we grow while overcoming.

My journey so far has given and thought me so much, that now I am able to share my knowledge and intuitive gifts, inspire people to view life from the perspective of their Higher Selves and find meaning in whatever they are going through.

I found my mission very early in life - to bring light, to raise consciousness and vibratory frequency of everyone I work with. This is the essence of everything I do and the reason for using such tools as Reiki, oracle cards and pure authentic essential oils.

Using my intuition and knowledge of the laws of the Universe and karma I guide people to the light by raising vibratory frequency, healing soul wounds, restoring wholeness. Some times the journey is longer and somethimes just while talking, if a person is open to new information ant perspective, I feel/see their energy change, become lighter and brighter.

Can I be your guide and inspiration?

Set an appointment for a personal consultation

Aroma Psychology course

For future soul healers ready to transform lives!

Aroma Psychology is a marriage of aromatherapy and psychology giving us a method to safely access and release trapped negative emotions by using the effect of natural aromas on our lymbic system of the brain, nervous and endocrine systems.

Every essential oils has a certain frequency that resonates with specific human emotional states and emotions, character traits and ways of thinking. Aroma Psychology testing allows us to find an individual key to every persons subconscious, traumas and emotional needs to heal and bring back to wholeness and highest expression of the self.

This course is for you if you work with people as a counselor, life couch, psychologist, if you offer yoga and meditation classes, women retreats, massage therapy, if aromatherapy is your love and passion. And if you are already building an aromatherapy business Aroma Psychology testing will be an exclusive and valuable service you will be able to offer your community.

View a free webinar for a deeper introduction

What My Students Have to Say

  • The decision to study aroma psychology is one of the best choices in my life. I couldn't imagine that I get more than expected. First of all, I had a possibility to meet lots of amazing people. I am still in a group where I can share my experience, ask questions or discuss about everything related to aroma psychology studies. Our wonderful teacher gives us very deep knowledge and useful practice how to understand and gain important information.Next, the knowledge I got is so valuable that you can't compare with anything. Aroma psychology studies open so many doors where I can realize my dream - to become a doctor and help people. I feel that I am on that way where these studies bring lots of opportunities for my dream to come true.Finally, the best result is that I felt and still feel emotional healing for myself which is the biggest gift ever. I recommend aroma psychology studies from all my heart to the moon and back

    Toma Bliudžiuvienė Logistic services
  • My decision to take part in the course of Aroma Psychology has been one of the best steps I have taken towards my personal development as well as the development of my mentoring skills, and this decision has already brought many benefits! Not only did I learn about each essential oil and their effects on our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, but I have also acquired deep psychogical knowledge and understanding of human emotional states, which is invaluable in my job as a mentor. What is more, the methodological system of interpreting the results of the Aroma Psychology Test has proven to be so accurate that both me and my clients were astonished to have revealed the information of their inner fears, wounds, emotional blocks, childhood traumas and limiting beliefs that make up obstacles and misfortunes in their lives. With the help of accurately chosen essential oils, we can give people the keys to heal their deepest emotional wounds and remove the blocks that hold them away from their dream life. I would strongly recommend this course for all people who seek the knowledge and effective tools in helping others by using fragrant essential oils. It is especially suitable for mentors, healers, aromatherapy lovers, and everyone who feel they want to be and do something more in their lives. A huge thank you for my great teacher, Lina Balsė, for an amazing course and all the support I have received during and after it. Lina is a Master Teacher of Aromatherapy and has such profound knowledge in it that it has been an honor for me to be learning from her.

    Inga Paužuolienė English teacher and life couch

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